Instant App Changes, with Zero Releases.

Instant App Changes, with Zero Releases.

Instant App Changes, with Zero Releases.

An Open Source Framework to build Flutter Apps using the power of CMS driven UI. Deploy changes with Zero App releases.

Core Technologies at play





Introducing the Vyuh Framework

Introducing the Vyuh Framework

A fresh approach to building Flutter Apps using dynamic configuration from a CMS.

CMS drives Experience

Use any CMS to remotely control screens, content, journeys, themes and much more.

Deploy with Zero App Store releases.

CMS drives Experience

Use any CMS to remotely control screens, content, journeys, themes and much more.

Deploy with Zero App Store releases.

CMS drives Experience

Use any CMS to remotely control screens, content, journeys, themes and much more.

Deploy with Zero App Store releases.

Modular Features

Build and test features as independent modules and assemble into the App when ready.

Escape the trap of a monolithic App and scale quickly from Idea to MVP to Production and beyond.

Modular Features

Build and test features as independent modules and assemble into the App when ready.

Escape the trap of a monolithic App and scale quickly from Idea to MVP to Production and beyond.

Modular Features

Build and test features as independent modules and assemble into the App when ready.

Escape the trap of a monolithic App and scale quickly from Idea to MVP to Production and beyond.

Capabilities as Plugins

All third-party integrations are Plugins with standard interfaces, and available to all features.

Auth, Analytics, Storage, etc. are all plugins.

Capabilities as Plugins

All third-party integrations are Plugins with standard interfaces, and available to all features.

Auth, Analytics, Storage, etc. are all plugins.

Capabilities as Plugins

All third-party integrations are Plugins with standard interfaces, and available to all features.

Auth, Analytics, Storage, etc. are all plugins.

Open Source

The core of Vyuh is Open Source.

It leverages community-voted libraries such as: go_router, mobx, flutter_mobx, get_it, http and many others.

Open Source

The core of Vyuh is Open Source.

It leverages community-voted libraries such as: go_router, mobx, flutter_mobx, get_it, http and many others.

Open Source

The core of Vyuh is Open Source.

It leverages community-voted libraries such as: go_router, mobx, flutter_mobx, get_it, http and many others.

Rich set of capabilities that every App needs

Fast track your ability to build complete applications with production grade features and capabilities.

Core Features

Core Features

CMS Driven UI

Control the content of your pages, user-journeys linking different pages and publish them all without any App release.

Cross Platform

Use the power of Flutter to deploy to iOS, Android and the Web at once, from a single codebase.

Modular Features

Build features as independent modules and assemble them when ready to build the final App.

Essentials Distilled

Rethink your application in terms of: content, routes, actions, conditions and layouts

Plugins for third-party integrations

Plugins come with standard interfaces for easy swapping. Analytics, Authentication, Storage, etc., are all just plugins, available to all features.

No Code for Business, Full Code for Engineering

The CMS becomes the No Code tool for Business while retaining the full power of Flutter development for Engineering teams. Nobody compromises.



Team Independence

Let teams build features independently and assemble them into the App when ready.

Zero cost Exploration

Explore different user journeys, page content, do A/B/N testing all without leaving your CMS.

Customer-centric Previews

Preview the app journeys and experience like a Customer, for better confidence and quality.

Instant Hot Reload

Instantly see changes to your Design System, State Management, API calls, all through the power of Stateful Hot Reload of Flutter.



Extensibility at core

Rich set of extensibility built into the core for custom content-types, layouts, plugins, actions, conditions, transitions, animations, themes, APIs, etc.

Design System First

The framework encourages building from a Design System as a preliminary step. This makes your App visually consistent from the beginning.

Custom Content

Create custom content-types quickly and give them unique layouts suitable for your App. You can even switch layouts on the fly.

Pages and Dialogs

Use the full power of Flutter for custom page layouts, dialog layouts and transitions. All controlled from a CMS.

Conditions all around

Use the power of runtime conditions to control routes, layouts, actions and blocks. All from a CMS.

Custom Plugins

Expand integrations to additional third-parties with custom Plugins and Providers. All with standard interfaces.

How does it work?

Development workflow with the Vyuh Framework


Define component schemas for the CMS

Use standard components or create a new one with custom schema. Add it to your CMS for using in your pages.


Define component schemas for the CMS

Use standard components or create a new one with custom schema. Add it to your CMS for using in your pages.


Define component schemas for the CMS

Use standard components or create a new one with custom schema. Add it to your CMS for using in your pages.


Create Flutter counterparts for the component schemas

Build the counterpart of the component schemas in Flutter. This could be a new Content type, layout, condition, action or an API configuration. Expose these with the FeatureDescriptors.


Create Flutter counterparts for the component schemas

Build the counterpart of the component schemas in Flutter. This could be a new Content type, layout, condition, action or an API configuration. Expose these with the FeatureDescriptors.


Create Flutter counterparts for the component schemas

Build the counterpart of the component schemas in Flutter. This could be a new Content type, layout, condition, action or an API configuration. Expose these with the FeatureDescriptors.


Assemble pages and journeys on the CMS

With the components you have, start building up pages and connect them to create User Journeys.


Assemble pages and journeys on the CMS

With the components you have, start building up pages and connect them to create User Journeys.


Assemble pages and journeys on the CMS

With the components you have, start building up pages and connect them to create User Journeys.


Preview on the simulator or Device

Setup your Vyuh app, connect your features and plugins and see your CMS content live on your simulator or device. Now iterate, refine and publish when ready.


Preview on the simulator or Device

Setup your Vyuh app, connect your features and plugins and see your CMS content live on your simulator or device. Now iterate, refine and publish when ready.


Preview on the simulator or Device

Setup your Vyuh app, connect your features and plugins and see your CMS content live on your simulator or device. Now iterate, refine and publish when ready.


Explore integrations to fast track

Subscribe to the Enterprise plan and get access to our growing set of integrations for fast tracking App development.


Explore integrations to fast track

Subscribe to the Enterprise plan and get access to our growing set of integrations for fast tracking App development.


Explore integrations to fast track

Subscribe to the Enterprise plan and get access to our growing set of integrations for fast tracking App development.

Applied to a variety of Industries

  • Productivity & Business

    News & Media


    Health Care





    Real Estate

    Food Delivery

  • Productivity & Business

    News & Media


    Health Care





    Real Estate

    Food Delivery

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of apps can I build with Vyuh?

Vyuh is a framework for building Flutter Apps. Any App that can be built with Flutter can be built with Vyuh as well. This includes apps for iOS, Android, Web and Desktop. Rather than starting from scratch with Flutter, you start with a solid foundation and build on top of it. The basics of any production-grade App are built in and you can focus on your business logic right away.

The framework was built to scale your apps over time. In that regards, it takes an approach where you breakdown your application into a set of features that can be added or removed like atomic blocks.

What kind of support can I get for my team?

Is it open source?

Do I really need a CMS?

What if I have an existing App? Do you help in migrating it?

What kind of apps can I build with Vyuh?

Vyuh is a framework for building Flutter Apps. Any App that can be built with Flutter can be built with Vyuh as well. This includes apps for iOS, Android, Web and Desktop. Rather than starting from scratch with Flutter, you start with a solid foundation and build on top of it. The basics of any production-grade App are built in and you can focus on your business logic right away.

The framework was built to scale your apps over time. In that regards, it takes an approach where you breakdown your application into a set of features that can be added or removed like atomic blocks.

What kind of support can I get for my team?

Is it open source?

Do I really need a CMS?

What if I have an existing App? Do you help in migrating it?

Start your journey today

Explore a CMS-driven approach to build Flutter apps with speed, quality and remote configurability.

Start your journey today

Explore a CMS-driven approach to build Flutter apps with speed, quality and remote configurability.

Start your journey today

Explore a CMS-driven approach to build Flutter apps with speed, quality and remote configurability.

Build CMS-driven Flutter Apps at scale using a Modular approach. Unlock the power of dynamic content changes with Zero App releases.




© 2024, Vyuh Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Hyderabad, India.

Build CMS-driven Flutter Apps at scale using a Modular approach. Unlock the power of dynamic content changes with Zero App releases.




© 2024, Vyuh Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Hyderabad, India.

Build CMS-driven Flutter Apps at scale using a Modular approach. Unlock the power of dynamic content changes with Zero App releases.




© 2024, Vyuh Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Hyderabad, India.